blue is the colour…

Hello, I hope you’re enjoying your weekend so far?  It’s been wet and grey here, but as I write this the rain has stopped and the sky is blue…

which brings us to where it all began.  This is a photo of my Nanny (my Mum’s Mum) holding me as a baby.

rach and nanny 001

I must have been very small…a month or two old at most.  And what is that hanging on the wall?  Oh yes…it’s a piece of Heals fabric.

Pastoral by Regina Moritz-Evers for Heals

Pastoral by Regina Moritz-Evers for Heals

When I was young we moved house a lot.  I lost count of the number of houses I lived in.  But in every house, my Mum hung this fabric up somewhere.  It meant we were home.

And a few years ago, my Mum moved house again.  And instead of hanging this piece of fabric in her new home, she gave it to me.  It was more than just a piece of fabric to me.   It was the start of a collection.

I already had an long standing interest in textiles and fabric design.  I also had a fondness for online shopping.  I can’t remember the moment that those two things combined and I found myself looking at vintage fabric online…but I have spent many a happy hour since searching for that perfect piece of fabric.

I think maybe I’ve always had it.

But I’m still allowed to want more, right?

Rachel x

15 thoughts on “blue is the colour…

    • Thanks Jen! I haven’t looked at that photo for years, I’d almost forgotten that I’ve always been surrounded by lovely patterns! Was so lovely of my Mum to give me that piece. xx

  1. Lovely story Rachel! I too grew up with lots af patterns and colour and it’s had a big influence on me. I wonder what my girls will remember when they grow up! 🙁

  2. Thanks for all the lovely comments! I loved writing this post; ironing the fabric, scanning the photo and reflecting on how my love of fabric began…and where it’s brought me to. It’s been lovely sharing with you all! One more post to go…xx

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