Well, my doll eyes arrived!
Who would have thought that there would be an online emporium specialising in all kinds of glass eyes? But there is.
And the glass eyes I ordered from them, despite being just a tad smaller than anticipated (yes, I did measure, but two millimetres looked somehow bigger on my ruler) are, in my humble opinion, a triumph.
I love the way they give my new dolls a sort of bright-and-beady-eyed look… totally different from painted or embroidered eyes, which I still love the look of, but these glass eyes are just a fantastic way to make these dolls look different, just for a change.
It does involve a little bit of fiddling with pliers and wire cutters and suchlike to fit them.
But sometimes a bit of fiddle-pfaffing is just worth it, isn’t it? ♥
It gives them ‘tude! Their gaze is much more direct, and dare I say, ever so slightly challenging… I love it!
I never thought of it like that! Someone else said she was a grumpy fairy, which I like the idea of. Grumpy fairies are the best kind!
Love both kinds of eyes! Glass eyes open up a whole set of new possibilities I would imagine?