the tale of a princess pussycat

modflowers: princess pussycat

A few months ago, I gave a discarded prototype doll (that had languished unfinished for several years) to the little girl who lives next door. My six-year-old neighbour and I have had quite a few chats over the garden wall during the … Continue reading

my bear necessities…

So we are now well into the New Year. And it’s usually around now when I find that my creative well runs a little dry. For me at least, it’s not a good time of year for selling either. So … Continue reading

It shouldn’t happen to a maker… ten annoying things that do – and have!

tree pixies in progress

Whilst stitching, I have been musing recently on the nature of the annoyances that happen to makers. These aren’t earth-shattering, life-changing events in the big scheme of things, but I’m betting that even the most zen amongst the making community … Continue reading

a collaborative christmas

contemporary christmas dolls

As long-term followers of this blog will know, I have for some years had an ongoing artist collaboration with superstar designer Sarah Campbell. Above and below you can see some of the most recent dolls resulting from this creative artist … Continue reading

the halloween collection

modflowers: the halloween collection

When I was a child, growing up in England, halloween wasn’t really a thing. We just didn’t celebrate it. Occasionally, I used to catch a glimpse on television of what halloween was like in America: houses decorated with cobwebs and … Continue reading

give me work to last me all of my life…

I’ve been busy for the past few weeks working on more dolls in hand painted fabrics by Sarah Campbell, with whom I collaborated on last summer’s Painted Treasures dolls which were exhibited and sold at Anthropologie in London’s Kings Road. … Continue reading