gripping gripes

modflowers: vintage fabric button hair gripsThe glue came out yesterday.

I do not like glue.

But then, who would like something that is smelly, sticky and not always reliable?

Unfortunately it is a necessary evil in the process of turning buttons into the hair grips destined for my next stall.

modflowers: vintage fabric button hair gripsThey look pretty.

But now begins the wait to see whether the glue will fully co-operate.

modflowers: hair gripsDo any other glue users have this problem? Sometimes the glue works as it should. It grips, it sticks, and all is right with the world.

But other times it does not. It does not seem to set properly, instead behaving rather like a gobbet of chewing gum on the sole of a warm shoe.

Which causes me to curse and swear and have to scrape it all off and start again.

modflowers: vintage fabric button hair gripsI’ll leave the grips be for a few days – and then test their grippiness.

I can only hope that this batch of grips remains… gripped. ♥


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