hanging basket

modflowers: hanging basket vintage fabrics appliquƩ & embroidery textile artAt the beginning of summer, I have a ritual.

I always try to make time for it. My mum showed me what to do.

I watch carefully for the optimum time. It has to be when there is the best selection at the market. Not too early, not too late.

It’s important to have the right selection of plants to make a good hanging basket.

modflowers: hanging basket appliquĆ© and embroidery textile artI like to do my own, rather than purchase those ones that the local flower shop sells ready-done, because I’m usually quite picky about what I put in them.

This year I waited too long, and had to make do with pink surfinias, when what I wanted was blue or purple ones.

And there were no white geraniums to be had, only red or pink, so I didn’t bother with them. And no blue lobelia to be found either, just white.

modflowers: hanging basket appliquƩ and embroidery textile artAlso this year, I had a silly lapse in my watering schedule. One super-hot day of forgetfulness was all it took to fry the two baskets at the back of the house.

They now look like they have been badly neglected, although I have been diligent in my watering regime for all but that one, scorching day.

modflowers: hanging basket appliquƩ and embroidery textile artSo I decided to make good by producing a special, late-summer hanging basket.

It may be made from fabric, but I think – I hope – it captures the sort of thing I didn’tĀ quiteĀ get right with my real baskets.

modflowers: hanging basket appliquƩ and embroidery textile artMy sewing fingers have hopefully captured the essence of a good hanging basket.

Despite my green fingers not being quite up to the task. ā™„



5 thoughts on “hanging basket

    • I almost succeeded in ruining this hanging basket as well though – had to unpick the original “chains” as the thread I used looked too heavy for the piece when it was done. I’m still not entirely sure it’s as I wanted it to be in my mind!

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