heavenly host

modflowers: heavenly-hostIt’s a bit surreal, making stuff for Christmas when the sun is shining and it’s 30° outside.

But needs must. I have fairs booked.

But I also have a dog to look after, who is taking up a lot of time. She is not the sort of dog you can ignore.

Three good long walks a day are not just desirable, but absolutely necessary to keep Lupin out of mischief.

And it’s bloody tiring, I don’t mind telling you.

But once Lupin has been walked, she settles down and lets me work for a few hours.

modflowers: heavenly-hostWith my time limited, I’m having to work a bit more efficiently.

Which means making multiples of things, as per the heavenly host pictured above.

Although, sometimes it does get a bit tedious.

So a little variation is called for, by way of distraction…

modflowers: heavenly hostI taught myself how to make a mini elf hat.

Because, well… variations on a theme are allowable, aren’t they? ♥


3 thoughts on “heavenly host

    • I’m not sure about mood improvements Kate… it somewhat depends upon how Lupin has been behaving! We had a very bad day yesterday – she ran off at the park and wouldn’t come back, bullied a couple of smaller dogs, made a nuisance of herself every time we tried to eat anything and barked constantly whenever our neighbour emerged into his garden.
      Today however we met up with a friend with an equally large, bouncy young dog (a labradoodle) with whom Lupin romped and chased for a good hour, meaning that I have had a lovely quiet day as she sleeps it off!

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