identity crisis

modflowers: radgerI made a new creature over the weekend, because I wanted to have a go at one with a pointy snout.

In the past all my snouts have been made separately and stitched on after the main doll shape has been sewn.

I wanted to see whether I could make my own pattern with a pointy snout being actually part of the doll’s face, rather than sewing it on afterwards.

For my little experiment I decided to use some black and white stripy cotton fabric, a gift from a lovely vintage dealer.

There are a few stains and faults on the fabric, so whilst it’s a bit dodgy for any larger scale projects I thought I wouldn’t be too upset at wasting fabric if I mucked up the snouty thing.

As it turned out, the snouty thing was fine.

modflowers: radgerApart from the fact that I had no idea what sort of creature I had ended up with. Something akin to a badger/raccoon/cat crossbreed.

So in the best tradition of Dobbit and Raggit, I have named him Radger (I couldn’t quite shoehorn a cat reference in there as well, but never mind.)

Actually, someone suggested Cadgeroon, which is good, and gets the cat reference in too, but I just think he’s more of a Radger.

As well as not knowing what kind of creature he is, he looks as though he doesn’t quite know what season it is either. He’s gone for hedging his bets with summer shorts on the bottom half and winter wear up top.

modflowers: radgerBut then that seems to be the nature of a Radger.

He’s just a mixed-up kid. ♥


5 thoughts on “identity crisis

    • Yes, the word “rakish” did cross my mind too… although I sort of think his boots should be pointier (pointed-toe boots on blokes always make me think rakishness) and possibly he should be wearing proper trousers. It is hard to be rakish in shorts I feel, especially in winter.

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