
modflowers: vintage pinnySometimes, commonsense just goes out of the window.

Sometimes, the practical becomes impractical.

modflowers: vintage pinnyI think I knew when I bought these two pinnies that I was kidding myself.

I think I knew that I’d have trouble summoning up the urge to cut them up to make use of the fabric.

modflowers: vintage teapot fabricmodflowers: vintage pinny fabricmodflowers: vintage pinny fabricI don’t wear pinnies.

But I might have to make an exception. Especially for that beauty with the teacups.

Otherwise, I’ll just never be able to justify buying it. ♥

10 thoughts on “impractical

  1. I always associate pinnies with domestic servitude but I don’t feel that about an apron which I use quite a lot due to my general messiness. But I would make an exception for the teapot one although everyone would fall about laughing if I came out with that and tea on a tray!

    • Haha! Domestic servitude has never been in my nature! I do the bare minimum (and that with quite bad grace) so anything that makes it more enjoyable (loud music, a pretty pinny, alcohol) can only be a good thing in my book!

  2. LOVE the teapot one, you obviously had to have it, whether you wear it or not! I agree, doing housework is only bearable with a good soundtrack and anything else that makes it fun rather than just a faff. I hoard tablecloths, which we don’t use (I would be horrified if anyone dropped food on them!) but I also can’t bear to cut them up! Hope you’re having a marvelous weekend. xxx

  3. Ha! I do that all the time. Was just looking at a fab vintage dress that is far too big in a charity shop – but I’m not up to dress altering yet and I don’t think I could cut into it – so I put it back – but the lure is strong….I also have a pretty vintage pinny hanging around and never worn 🙂

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