in love

modflowers: illustration by Diana Sudyka - BioluminescenceI am in love.

Yes, it is Valentines Day coming up, but actually I am not referring to that.

We will be spending Valentines weekend with my partner’s family, so I doubt whether any major romancing will be on the cards.

No, I am referring to my new love – for the work of Diana Sudyka.

I discovered her very recently, on one of those long, rambling internet trails leading from one website and one artist to another and then another.

The trail stopped at Diana’s website – and suddenly there was no need to go anywhere else.

modflowers: illustration by Diana SudykaDiana hails from Chicago. She paints and illustrates all sorts of things including books, album art and gig posters. Amongst her clients are The Decemberists, of whose music I am rather fond.

Incorporating typography, the natural and the supernatural, her work is…

Beautiful. Fantastical. Magical. Almost indescribably so.

modflowers: illustration by Diana Sudyka

modflowers: illustration by Diana Sudykamodflowers: painting by Diana Sudyka - Sweptaway

modflowers: print by Diana SudykaDiane’s work can be enjoyed on her website and Facebook page and some can be bought (surprisingly cheaply, I might add) from her shop.

I am filled with longing. ♥


4 thoughts on “in love

  1. incredibly beautiful and I can see why you’re loved up. stunning magical pictures with beautiful mind tingling words. I’m glad you take these internet journeys on our behalf and show us what you found at the end of the www. rainbow!

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