keeping it real

modflowers: keeping it real I have noticed that there is a bit of a tendency for everyone to only show the best of themselves online.

Now generally I subscribe to this and think it is A Good Thing. There is enough real badness in the world without spreading it about in cyberspace as well.

I don’t want to gift to the world a consistently bad-tempered blog, all about how various things annoy me, how tired I feel, recent arguments I have had, how the weather is really getting me down, and what a mess my house is in.

But sometimes, just sometimes, I think it’s good to burst that bubble.

So… this is my workroom today:

modflowers: keeping it realAnd these are my work in progress shelves:

modflowers: keeping it realThe shelves earn the label “work in progress” for two reasons:

1. They are covered in work in progress, and…

2. They are themselves a work-in-progress, i.e. an “I’ve started, so I won’t-quite-get-round-to-finishing” summer project.

I must just add that this mess work area is also the rear half of our living room, which means that the door is not just shut on it at the end of the day.

modflowers: keeping it realUpstairs is worse. (I’ll spare you the pictures of undies all over the radiators – there’s keeping it real and then there’s just gratuitous unpleasantness).

It’s half term. It’s been raining all week.

I am unreasonably tired, stupidly grumpy and struggling to entertain lad without leaving him in front of the computer / telly all day.

My bones ache with the damp. And my work ethic is definitely suffering.

As for tidying up, well, the week started well with a spot of floor-mopping and hoovering and toilet cleaning, but unfortunately my tidying-up mojo has now left the building.

The word “slovenly” hovers on the edges of my consciousness.

There are piles of fabric and general “stuff” everywhere.

modflowers: keeping it realIt’s not pretty, but it’s life.

Hopefully, I’ll rediscover the best of myself again soon.

In the meantime, I hope your week turns out to be a bit less unsightly and a lot more charming than mine.

And if not, there’s always Pinterest to escape to. ♥

16 thoughts on “keeping it real

  1. Sounds exactly like my house! Except my sewing room is in the spare room at the back of the house and as you can shut the door on it (most of the time, unless it also is blocked by stuff) My husband thinks its OK to dump unsightly things (ie things he is ment to be fixing/pictures that I asked him to hang/ everything he thinks ‘belong’ in here) in there on all available surfaces!

  2. Over the last few days I’ve slumped into what I termed a general malaise, turns out I’d run out of iron, not enthusiasm! The constant wet weather has not helped though, and I’ve got a stack of WIP’s that need to be done, hopefully the iron supplement will give me the boost I need!

    • Perhaps you’re right. However, couple that with a messy 10 year old and an even messier partner and you have a recipe for chaos!
      I realise I might be coming across as some kind of neat-freak here, but nothing could be further from the truth… and I hate housework!

  3. I dreamt about fish oil, sometimes i take Eskimo kids and give some to my son too! Also good to embrace inner can’t be bothered housewife now and again. makes it so good when you get that burst of energy to get on top of things again. x

  4. Thank you for your honesty! Sometimes I think social media and blogs are there to make us all feel inadequate. I call these heaps ” productive mess”…….one day I will be productive with them and until then they are a mess! One of the few joys of ageing is I forget what I have stashed away so have to frequently search the heaps…..can lead me on a whole new path of creativity…….for joints I have taken cod liver oil. It works!!

  5. Call me crazy, but I love seeing other people’s messes. Nice messes, like these, not gross food messes or whatnot. I like to know how people really live. I currently have a few piles in my home. Ugh, piles are my downfall. A pile of mail that I’m not quite ready to throw out. A pile of fabric that I have to fold back up. Piles of half-finished projects that I can’t put away or I’ll forget to work on them. So thanks for showing your real life. It’s lovely. 🙂

  6. Pingback: unnatural desires | modflowers ✿

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