more blooming mice

modflowers: more blooming miceI like making mice.

Having finally sorted my pattern and worked out how to avoid the pitfalls of the making process, I got a small batch underway on Friday afternoon.

It was good to follow up a morning spent doing an online finance course (y-a-a-w-w-w-n) with some practical mice-creating. I certainly know which I prefer.

And I loved seeing this little pile of mouse ears take shape…

modflowers: more blooming miceAs well as the finance course, I did an application for a craft fair.

Which is never something I find easy.

I mean, how to pick which three photographs to include, of all the ones I have taken, to sum up my work? With difficulty, that’s how.

I had been putting that job off. But – now it is done.

The mouse ears remind me of flower petals.  In more ways than one.

Separately, they are just one small part of one little item. But put lots of those, and other, little bits together and you have something greater than the sum of the parts.

In the case of the mouse ears, they become a flower.

modflowers: more blooming miceAnd hopefully, little piece by little piece, by facing my fears (like finance) and putting myself out into the world, and making more stuff instead of worrying and over-thinking everything, things will start to grow.

And hopefully, eventually, something will bloom. ♥


2 thoughts on “more blooming mice

  1. Oooh, love the black tiny floral print, can’t wait to see the mousie that goes with that! The finance side is always, always crap, but it’s the price you pay for being allowed to do something you love and getting paid for it. The trick is keeping the balance weighted in favour of the fun stuff…

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