more twirly girlies

modflowers: twirly girlsAnd so the second batch of twirly girlies is complete at last!

I’m not quite sure why they took so long.

Yes, I had to buy more beads (for their hands) halfway through, but really I just seem to be taking so long to complete anything at the moment – including the Christmas shopping!

modflowers: twirly girl redheadI’ve discovered that eyes are more easily painted using the tip of a cocktail stick dipped in paint, rather than a brush.

And I experimented with using a cotton bud to paint cheeks, which works, but I’m still not 100% sure how to tell when I have too little paint on it, and when I have too much.

So I mainly stuck to the paintbrush. (Not literally.)

modflowers: twirly girl I’m always horribly nervous about painting faces. The procrastination provoked whilst I hoick up my courage could explain some of the delay in getting them done.

There’s nothing quite like the fear of ruining your work to make you want to put off a job, is there?

modflowers: twirly girlI also made their dresses a bit fuller this time, with the aim of having them look even more floaty than the last lot.

I think I succeeded on that score…

modflowers: twirly girliesAnd they do twirl beautifully when suspended.

However, I unfortunately underestimated how much bunching-up I would need to undertake to make their bodies look right.

Another lesson learned – there is definitely a balance to be struck between optimum floaty twirlyness, and a rather-too-matronly bosom.

Anyway, I’m feeling all twirled out now, so it’s back to the doll-making for a while. ♥


Post Script:

Twirly girlies are available to buy here.

6 thoughts on “more twirly girlies

  1. I love your Twirly Girls, adorable as usual! One thing I love about all the dolls you make are their face is always unique and yet simple..which I love!

  2. These twirlers are so sweet – I love the happy colors. I also procrastinate on the hard parts of sewing toys. For me its adding the legs which always want to spring out of place just as I’m sewing the body opening closed. I usually need chocolate fortification in order to finish sewing.

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