rummage results

I may have mentioned that when we visited Lyme Regis on our way home from Dorset last week, my favourite shop for a good rummage was, unfortunately, closed.

There are other good rummaging venues in Lyme Regis, however. And I am happy to say that I managed to take advantage of another couple of them.

As a result I unearthed a couple of treasures…

rummage resultsFirst up, this lovely cushion, from the antiques centre on Lyme prom:

rummage result number one!It came in very handy on the long journey home, for lad to rest his weary head. (He was under strict instructions – no dribbling allowed).

The reason I couldn’t show you this treasure earlier was that it almost became a permanent addition to our car’s interior.

It has been treated to a tour around the county this week, but has now been retrieved and is ready for my tender ministrations 🙂

I love the fabric and will admit, I have stroked it once or twice already.

My other rummage result was the bluey-purple floral item you might have spied in the picture above…

rummage results 5 rummage result number two!It is a tabard. I cannot, under any circumstances, imagine myself wearing a tabard.

Even with a label proclaiming it’s suitability for “shapely figures”.

look at that label!It is therefore the perfect subject for the snip snip of my scissors.

I have already nicked a little bit of it for a project I have in mind to show you this week…

But that’s another story!

3 thoughts on “rummage results

  1. Pingback: now for your neck! | modflowers ✿

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