soaking up wonder

modflowers: luminariumSometimes I forget how lucky I am, living in Nottingham.

I’ve often taken my home town for granted somewhat. It doesn’t have the glamour of London, nor the ambition of Birmingham, nor the street-cred of Liverpool or Manchester.

But it does have Architects of Air.

modflowers: luminariumBased in Nottingham, they are creators of amazing inflatable sculptures called Luminaria.

From the outside they rather resemble a gigantic bouncy castle. But instead of bouncing upon them, you instead walk within.

The structures tour all over the globe. There is one drawing huge crowds in Boston, USA as I type.

But those of us living in Nottingham get the chance to experience them first…

modflowers: luminariumThis was our third Luminarium, lad and I.

Our first visit was when lad was just a toddler, and we went again when he was a bit older.

modflowers: luminariumIt was lovely to see that they haven’t lost any of their appeal.

To be honest, we were all a bit blown away, despite knowing more or less what to expect.

modflowers: luminariumThe intention of their creator is to “stimulate visitors to a sense of wonder to the beauty of light and colour”.

Which sums our experience up just about perfectly.

modflowers: luminariumIf you ever get the chance to visit one of Architects of Air’s amazing creations, do go.

modflowers: luminariumIn my opinion, everyone should seize as much wonder as they possibly can, whenever the chance presents itself.♥


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