tattooed lady

modflowers: doll faceI like learning new things.

Recently I spotted a doll-making course running locally, but at £177, I decided I couldn’t afford it.

But having learned the basics of doll-assembly at my Hope and Elvis course with Jess Quinn, I didn’t really need to do another one.

So I have been sort of running my own course, just for me, in my own kitchen, at my own pace, over numerous cups of tea in my own mug.

£177 funds a lot of cups of Earl Grey.

modflowers: handmade doll with tattoosI have been teaching myself to draft doll’s clothes patterns, armed with an old roll of lining paper, a ruler, a pencil, a couple of pairs of scissors, a mould-stained curtain lining – and a determined grimace.

It’s fair to say that I have had some frustrations and some failures.

But yesterday, having a minor triumph to celebrate, I graduated to proper fabric – and made my first miniature collared dress!

modflowers: collared doll's dressI’ll probably do it slightly differently in future, but only by doing it have I learned how.

Flushed with my tiny success, I decided to add a bit of decorative embroidery.

modflowers: doll with embroidered dressAnd then, because I liked the way that turned out, I got a bit over-excited.

I felt that my doll was a bit too sweet and girl-next-door, so I decided to give her a couple of tattoos…

modflowers: handmade doll with tattoos & dressI used to want a tattoo when I was very young. They were a bit more edgy and risqué back then and much less common than nowadays.

My sister ended up being the brave one though. Having witnessed the process, I chickened out.

But do I rather like the idea of taking my needle and becoming a doll tattooist….

modflowers: doll with tattoos & pantsAnd yes, I’ve added scanties without having to make a separate pair, since independently-constructed scanties don’t fit very well under little tiny close-fitting dresses.

So I simply made the pants as part of the doll instead. I think they do the job quite well…

modflowers: doll with tattoos I do like learning new things.

Especially at home, in the warm, with a cuppa in hand. ♥


5 thoughts on “tattooed lady

    • Hi Catherine, I haven’t put up any of my dolls for sale as yet. I wanted to perfect my making techniques and produce a range of sample dolls to show to a few shops, to see if they would be interested in stocking them. But the plan is to sell the dolls via my shop and also offer custom options, so check back or follow my Facebook page where I’ll be announcing when they’re available to purchase shortly. Thank you for your interest!

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