the joy of mistakes

 modflowers: rabbit with mistakes

It’s funny isn’t it, the way that sometimes the things that happen just by chance (otherwise know as mistakes) turn out to be better than the things that go just as planned.

Yesterday’s Dobbit was a perfect example of this.

modflowers: dobbit - a happy mistakeIf I hadn’t accidentally caught the end of Dobbit’s ear in the side seam when stitching up on the machine, and then been too lazy to unpick and re-do the mistake, the flopped-over ear thing would not have come into being.

Today, having decided that I would make another rabbity being but not attempt to replicate Dobbit-mark-one too closely, whilst hoping for something dobbit-y, I have ended up with something more rabbity.

modflowers: raggit dollBut again, if I hadn’t accidentally made the head a bit of a funny shape, and consequently had to rearrange the ears to cover that mistake up, I don’t think it would have turned out quite so appealing.

I went bigger on the ears this time, because I was using remnants of fabric from a thick calico-canvas duffle bag (the logo-printed promotional sort you pick up free at events).

The bag itself was knackered, but the stuff it was made from seemed too good and sturdy to throw away, so I stashed it.

Too thick for making into little ears, that stuff also played it’s part in how things turned out…

modflowers: raggit dollAnd so, all my happy mistakes notwithstanding, this one, I think, has definitely turned out more of a Raggit than a Dobbit.

Thank heavens for the creative possibilities of errors.

I wonder what the next one will be? ♥


4 thoughts on “the joy of mistakes

    • Thank you Mrs Bertimus! You are right – try as I might, I can never make two characters that are exactly alike!

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